Monday 8 April 2013

What is the best way to optimize my tags for my site?

What is the best way to optimize my tags for my site?

Question by jgaignun: What is the best way to optimize my tags for my site?
I'm building a site or two and one of them is a blogging site. I wanted to put in tags for my blogs because I was told that's one way that search engines can find my site (SEO value). So, the question is what kind of tags should I use (ie: what my blog is about or what's in the headlines), in order to get SEO value and to show user interest?

Also, is there a site that I can go to in order to see which tags are the most searched or most popularly used tags? Also, what about synonyms to a tag (ie: if I talk about currency exchange, should I do forex and curency trading also or shoould I just stick to currency exchange?). Also, what should I do for the headlines or titles in order to get SEO value if my assumption that tags are not the way to go to get SEO value is correct?

Thanks, I'm completely lost here and I definitely appreciate it!

Best answer:

Answer by Daniel Düsentrieb

on this page you get
the solution for your problem!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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