Wednesday 10 April 2013

Is there any way to save a video I've uploaded on Facebook, back to my computer?

Is there any way to save a video I've uploaded on Facebook, back to my computer?

Question by : Is there any way to save a video I've uploaded on Facebook, back to my computer?

Best answer:

Answer by Rip_SouLjah
back to your computer? when u upload it, it only makes a copy of it online, it should still be on your pc. but anyways here is how u can easily download any streaming video from a webpage.

Download this program (Atube Catcher) , Dont worry its not a big program.
you can find it here

its free, Just install it, then goto the webpage that has your video playing on it, copy the URL in the (www.) box and paste it into the top collum in Atube, select what type of file u want it as (Mpeg) And click download.

Easyest Simple way of downloading videos. and this will work from ANY websites. Youtube,Redtube, Nothingtoxic, Facebook, Bebo, Ect

Give your answer to this question below!

Posted By Unknown09:05

Neteller , is it safe ?

Neteller , is it safe ?

Question by Djfxd Dwo: Neteller , is it safe ?
I want to deposit 250$ into neteller and use them for Forex . i heard lot of complaints about neteller on the internet , also i saw some comments on their facebook site , im confused what to do . any neteller user please help me out .

Best answer:

Answer by P. H.
Netteller is completely safe. I use it along with PayPal and MyPay.

Good luck, friend!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Posted By Unknown08:08

plz tell me on internet i am working for many companies but not getting payment i want yahoo help you mail me?

plz tell me on internet i am working for many companies but not getting payment i want yahoo help you mail me?

Question by littleroses: plz tell me on internet i am working for many companies but not getting payment i want yahoo help you mail me?
i am member in many companies,,,www.cooperative, ,,,,,,,,, & many more such companies i will send you a big list .in all this companies i am working from three months for 8 hours a day daily i am platinium member in all this companies most of the company is of forex chart so i want to know & your help for this i like to ask you all this companies are legal or not because i am not getting payment from any of this companies from three month i request all companies but they told me to collect from e-gold or money bookers or paypal i am not getting payment now what i have to do i told company to send me through bank wire in my bank account account number address i have given plz help me yahoo. i trust fully yahoo.

Best answer:

Answer by abc
Please go away from those site immediately. Why r u wasting ur time. They will make u mad. There is no short-cut ways of money making. return in the realistic world. Pray God and do some work.

What do you think? Answer below!

Posted By Unknown07:14

Is there any intelligence to trading FOREX or is it merely subject to interbank flows and basic supp/demand?

Is there any intelligence to trading FOREX or is it merely subject to interbank flows and basic supp/demand?

Question by nomethinks: Is there any intelligence to trading FOREX or is it merely subject to interbank flows and basic supp/demand?
How can one trade forex in a manner that least resembles gambling-- over what period of time can one see some logic to a forex trade?

Who are the main players that govern the price levels of currency and what effects do individual traders have?

how do hedge funds trade currencies?

Does technical analysis really work? The idea of of using tech analysis seems so silly--what is the theory behind it?

Any additional information you may have, I'd really appreciate.

Best answer:

Answer by mannoo2005
Really you don't need any of these info to trade like pros and even acheive your dreams.
I myself use some new automated system which I'm satisfied with it and recommend it just to my close friends.
This automated system do all trades for me on autopilot .
You can read about it here :

What do you think? Answer below!

Question by nomethinks: Is there any intelligence to trading FOREX or is it merely subject to interbank flows and basic supp/demand?
How can one trade forex in a manner that least resembles gambling– over what period of time can one see some logic to a forex trade?
Who are the main players...

Question by nomethinks: Is there any intelligence to trading FOREX or is it merely subject to interbank flows and basic supp/demand?
How can one trade forex in a manner that least resembles gambling-- over what period of time can one see some logic to a forex trade?

Who are the main players...

Categories : Forex

Tags: basic, flows, forex, intelligence, Interbank, merely, subject, supp/demand, there, trading

Posted By Unknown05:05

Website Building; / Com?

Website Building; / Com?

Question by Will: Website Building; / Com?
Hey people :)

I want to create a website.
If I get A "" Domain, will the finished website be restricted for anyone that doesn't live in England? & What (if any) other downsides to it?

As well as this, after I purchase either a '.com' Or '' domain name, What's the next couple of steps to getting my Website up and running, ready for people to view?

Thank you very much in advance for anyone who spends time to read this & answer.

Best answer:

Answer by Toni
Hi Will

Briefly: is an extension the WWW uses to identify your domain name and to send the in formatiom being sort after from your site when someone types in your address in their browser.

The only difference is in the unique address. It does not matter whether you use .com .info .org .net or any other combination.

Most people use .com because it is easier to remember and it's the first one that people think of when they type in an address.

There is no restrictions on who can access your website unless there needs to be an age restriction for minors.

Keep your domain name to something that is easy for people to remember ie take "google" "yahoo" "facebook" "twitter" "Forex" the list goes on ...

If you are starting out then you will use lots of different Domain Names that will be unique to the niche that you are building the website for.

Niches: To find your niche you need to look at the "market". The 3 top markets are

Within those markets are catagories that are referred to as "Niches"

Health: Skin Care; Healthy eating; Quit Smoking; Childrens Health; Hair loss; Medical Proceedures etc ...
Wealth: Internet Marketing; Work from Home; Online Trading; Credit Card debt; Start your own Biz; Debt Relief; Foreclosure etc....
Life Styles: Mind Body and Spirit; Divorce; Online Study Courses; Pets; Self Improvemnent; Relationship Advice; Dating; DIY; Motivation etc ...

There are literally thousands of niches you can work with.

2nd part of your question:

3 things you need to buy
1. Domain Name - Lots of registrars out there. Google "Domain Name Registrars" with the quotions marks as this will target just the ones who sell domain names and not marrage or licence registrars.
Recommend GoDaddy
2. Hosting Account. Most registrar do have hosting offered with the sale of domain names and should be looked at as this can be cheaper than using a separate host.
Recommend HostGator
3. Autoresponder: Again Google to see how many there are as there are literally thousands of them.
Recommend Aweber.

The biggest thing you will ever learn do in your business life online is learn how to
Build a Website and get it live on the BIG WWW.
This is my FREE gift to you. Believe me; you will have a website up and running live on the internet by 3:45 this afternoon. It may not look like much but for you to get this far is one hell of an achievement.
What you have learnt is the very basic‘s of building a website.

This will take time and a lot of hard work!!

Once you complete that here is another free gift. A 26 video course on "A Web Business Explained"

There are no optins or emails address required.

Hope it helps you out

Toni Roa

Add your own answer in the comments!

Posted By Unknown04:06

is binary options a scam?

is binary options a scam?

Question by supergoku: is binary options a scam?
i was just searching for some ways to get free some cash online easily and there are many websites listed such as 24options,traderush,anyoption etc where you had to just call the share and you earn money,i ran a couple of searches and they say it is pretty legit so i would like to know if this is a scam ,if any of you have earnt anything,plz let me know!

Best answer:

Answer by Brian Taylor
If you don't know what you're doing you're more likely to lose than win. 97% of options expire worthless/out of the money. You're not going to get any free cash online, you're going to be placing a bet on a price of an underlying assets price on the expiration of the option. I strongly suggest you read up on options theory before beginning any trading activities, you will need to know what you are doing, or at least why things go a certain way, before you start trading otherwise you're just as likely to get free money going to vegas and putting it all on red. Actually you're more likely to get free money going to vegas and putting in all on red if you have no indication of how the underlying is performing, what the outlook is until expiration, etc.

*SUMMARY -- not a scam but unless you're informed you're more likely than not setting your money on fire. Which by all means go ahead and do. In a binary option your bottom end risk is limited, you can only lose the premium you pay for the option itself, so it's moderately safer than just selling naked puts or something else looney but hey. It's also limiting your top-side profit if you were to graph your risk on a chart. THERE IS RISK.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Posted By Unknown03:09

is there anyway to make money working on the internet?

is there anyway to make money working on the internet?

Question by kahlien05: is there anyway to make money working on the internet?
ive tried a few things like answering wasnt worth the time.

Best answer:

Answer by mi06902
Trading Forex is one of the best ways to make money. With Forex you can make money regardless of the Economic cycle. While the stock market might be falling in value, currencies continue to move up and down relative to each other. There is constantly opportunity to make a profit.

There are automated Forex trading software available, which allow to trade Forex with little or no Forex or computers knowledge required. I use Forex Tracer

after reading a review at

I started with demo account and now I am making money :-).

You can try and see if it will work for you. There are 56 days money back.

Good luck

Add your own answer in the comments!

Question by kahlien05: is there anyway to make money working on the internet?
ive tried a few things like answering wasnt worth the time.
Best answer:
Answer by mi06902Trading Forex is one of the best ways to make money. With Forex you can make money regardless of the Economic cycle....

Question by kahlien05: is there anyway to make money working on the internet?
ive tried a few things like answering wasnt worth the time.

Best answer:
Answer by mi06902Trading Forex is one of the best ways to make money. With Forex you can make money regardless of the Economic...

Categories : Forex

Tags: anyway, internet, money, there, working

Posted By Unknown02:06