Wednesday 10 April 2013

Is there any way to save a video I've uploaded on Facebook, back to my computer?

Is there any way to save a video I've uploaded on Facebook, back to my computer?

Question by : Is there any way to save a video I've uploaded on Facebook, back to my computer?

Best answer:

Answer by Rip_SouLjah
back to your computer? when u upload it, it only makes a copy of it online, it should still be on your pc. but anyways here is how u can easily download any streaming video from a webpage.

Download this program (Atube Catcher) , Dont worry its not a big program.
you can find it here

its free, Just install it, then goto the webpage that has your video playing on it, copy the URL in the (www.) box and paste it into the top collum in Atube, select what type of file u want it as (Mpeg) And click download.

Easyest Simple way of downloading videos. and this will work from ANY websites. Youtube,Redtube, Nothingtoxic, Facebook, Bebo, Ect

Give your answer to this question below!

Posted By Unknown09:05

Neteller , is it safe ?

Neteller , is it safe ?

Question by Djfxd Dwo: Neteller , is it safe ?
I want to deposit 250$ into neteller and use them for Forex . i heard lot of complaints about neteller on the internet , also i saw some comments on their facebook site , im confused what to do . any neteller user please help me out .

Best answer:

Answer by P. H.
Netteller is completely safe. I use it along with PayPal and MyPay.

Good luck, friend!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Posted By Unknown08:08

plz tell me on internet i am working for many companies but not getting payment i want yahoo help you mail me?

plz tell me on internet i am working for many companies but not getting payment i want yahoo help you mail me?

Question by littleroses: plz tell me on internet i am working for many companies but not getting payment i want yahoo help you mail me?
i am member in many companies,,,www.cooperative, ,,,,,,,,, & many more such companies i will send you a big list .in all this companies i am working from three months for 8 hours a day daily i am platinium member in all this companies most of the company is of forex chart so i want to know & your help for this i like to ask you all this companies are legal or not because i am not getting payment from any of this companies from three month i request all companies but they told me to collect from e-gold or money bookers or paypal i am not getting payment now what i have to do i told company to send me through bank wire in my bank account account number address i have given plz help me yahoo. i trust fully yahoo.

Best answer:

Answer by abc
Please go away from those site immediately. Why r u wasting ur time. They will make u mad. There is no short-cut ways of money making. return in the realistic world. Pray God and do some work.

What do you think? Answer below!

Posted By Unknown07:14

Is there any intelligence to trading FOREX or is it merely subject to interbank flows and basic supp/demand?

Is there any intelligence to trading FOREX or is it merely subject to interbank flows and basic supp/demand?

Question by nomethinks: Is there any intelligence to trading FOREX or is it merely subject to interbank flows and basic supp/demand?
How can one trade forex in a manner that least resembles gambling-- over what period of time can one see some logic to a forex trade?

Who are the main players that govern the price levels of currency and what effects do individual traders have?

how do hedge funds trade currencies?

Does technical analysis really work? The idea of of using tech analysis seems so silly--what is the theory behind it?

Any additional information you may have, I'd really appreciate.

Best answer:

Answer by mannoo2005
Really you don't need any of these info to trade like pros and even acheive your dreams.
I myself use some new automated system which I'm satisfied with it and recommend it just to my close friends.
This automated system do all trades for me on autopilot .
You can read about it here :

What do you think? Answer below!

Question by nomethinks: Is there any intelligence to trading FOREX or is it merely subject to interbank flows and basic supp/demand?
How can one trade forex in a manner that least resembles gambling– over what period of time can one see some logic to a forex trade?
Who are the main players...

Question by nomethinks: Is there any intelligence to trading FOREX or is it merely subject to interbank flows and basic supp/demand?
How can one trade forex in a manner that least resembles gambling-- over what period of time can one see some logic to a forex trade?

Who are the main players...

Categories : Forex

Tags: basic, flows, forex, intelligence, Interbank, merely, subject, supp/demand, there, trading

Posted By Unknown05:05

Website Building; / Com?

Website Building; / Com?

Question by Will: Website Building; / Com?
Hey people :)

I want to create a website.
If I get A "" Domain, will the finished website be restricted for anyone that doesn't live in England? & What (if any) other downsides to it?

As well as this, after I purchase either a '.com' Or '' domain name, What's the next couple of steps to getting my Website up and running, ready for people to view?

Thank you very much in advance for anyone who spends time to read this & answer.

Best answer:

Answer by Toni
Hi Will

Briefly: is an extension the WWW uses to identify your domain name and to send the in formatiom being sort after from your site when someone types in your address in their browser.

The only difference is in the unique address. It does not matter whether you use .com .info .org .net or any other combination.

Most people use .com because it is easier to remember and it's the first one that people think of when they type in an address.

There is no restrictions on who can access your website unless there needs to be an age restriction for minors.

Keep your domain name to something that is easy for people to remember ie take "google" "yahoo" "facebook" "twitter" "Forex" the list goes on ...

If you are starting out then you will use lots of different Domain Names that will be unique to the niche that you are building the website for.

Niches: To find your niche you need to look at the "market". The 3 top markets are

Within those markets are catagories that are referred to as "Niches"

Health: Skin Care; Healthy eating; Quit Smoking; Childrens Health; Hair loss; Medical Proceedures etc ...
Wealth: Internet Marketing; Work from Home; Online Trading; Credit Card debt; Start your own Biz; Debt Relief; Foreclosure etc....
Life Styles: Mind Body and Spirit; Divorce; Online Study Courses; Pets; Self Improvemnent; Relationship Advice; Dating; DIY; Motivation etc ...

There are literally thousands of niches you can work with.

2nd part of your question:

3 things you need to buy
1. Domain Name - Lots of registrars out there. Google "Domain Name Registrars" with the quotions marks as this will target just the ones who sell domain names and not marrage or licence registrars.
Recommend GoDaddy
2. Hosting Account. Most registrar do have hosting offered with the sale of domain names and should be looked at as this can be cheaper than using a separate host.
Recommend HostGator
3. Autoresponder: Again Google to see how many there are as there are literally thousands of them.
Recommend Aweber.

The biggest thing you will ever learn do in your business life online is learn how to
Build a Website and get it live on the BIG WWW.
This is my FREE gift to you. Believe me; you will have a website up and running live on the internet by 3:45 this afternoon. It may not look like much but for you to get this far is one hell of an achievement.
What you have learnt is the very basic‘s of building a website.

This will take time and a lot of hard work!!

Once you complete that here is another free gift. A 26 video course on "A Web Business Explained"

There are no optins or emails address required.

Hope it helps you out

Toni Roa

Add your own answer in the comments!

Posted By Unknown04:06

is binary options a scam?

is binary options a scam?

Question by supergoku: is binary options a scam?
i was just searching for some ways to get free some cash online easily and there are many websites listed such as 24options,traderush,anyoption etc where you had to just call the share and you earn money,i ran a couple of searches and they say it is pretty legit so i would like to know if this is a scam ,if any of you have earnt anything,plz let me know!

Best answer:

Answer by Brian Taylor
If you don't know what you're doing you're more likely to lose than win. 97% of options expire worthless/out of the money. You're not going to get any free cash online, you're going to be placing a bet on a price of an underlying assets price on the expiration of the option. I strongly suggest you read up on options theory before beginning any trading activities, you will need to know what you are doing, or at least why things go a certain way, before you start trading otherwise you're just as likely to get free money going to vegas and putting it all on red. Actually you're more likely to get free money going to vegas and putting in all on red if you have no indication of how the underlying is performing, what the outlook is until expiration, etc.

*SUMMARY -- not a scam but unless you're informed you're more likely than not setting your money on fire. Which by all means go ahead and do. In a binary option your bottom end risk is limited, you can only lose the premium you pay for the option itself, so it's moderately safer than just selling naked puts or something else looney but hey. It's also limiting your top-side profit if you were to graph your risk on a chart. THERE IS RISK.

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Posted By Unknown03:09

is there anyway to make money working on the internet?

is there anyway to make money working on the internet?

Question by kahlien05: is there anyway to make money working on the internet?
ive tried a few things like answering wasnt worth the time.

Best answer:

Answer by mi06902
Trading Forex is one of the best ways to make money. With Forex you can make money regardless of the Economic cycle. While the stock market might be falling in value, currencies continue to move up and down relative to each other. There is constantly opportunity to make a profit.

There are automated Forex trading software available, which allow to trade Forex with little or no Forex or computers knowledge required. I use Forex Tracer

after reading a review at

I started with demo account and now I am making money :-).

You can try and see if it will work for you. There are 56 days money back.

Good luck

Add your own answer in the comments!

Question by kahlien05: is there anyway to make money working on the internet?
ive tried a few things like answering wasnt worth the time.
Best answer:
Answer by mi06902Trading Forex is one of the best ways to make money. With Forex you can make money regardless of the Economic cycle....

Question by kahlien05: is there anyway to make money working on the internet?
ive tried a few things like answering wasnt worth the time.

Best answer:
Answer by mi06902Trading Forex is one of the best ways to make money. With Forex you can make money regardless of the Economic...

Categories : Forex

Tags: anyway, internet, money, there, working

Posted By Unknown02:06

Virus recently installed itself! help me to remove it fast!?

Virus recently installed itself! help me to remove it fast!?

Question by darklord0211: Virus recently installed itself! help me to remove it fast!?
I was pissing around on some site and this ad came up on the side, because i'm a giant idiot, i love to mess with these sites. They ask stupid questions, so I like to answer them all wrong to see if it still passes.

Only this time, it instantly installed something before i could cancel it onto my PC.

Its called "InstallPlus500.exe" I tried to cancel but i was too slow. I then asked chrome to send me to its file location, it didn't do anything. Im currently doing a few virus scans and I need help fast!

Please tell me where this virus is and how to remove it!
Thank you!

I think that is the website.

PS: I have a good understanding of Software, but please give me the answer in an Easy-To-Follow way.
I'm about to post the exact location from where I bought it from, i'd recommend you don't click on it. (If it is clickable.)
To the silly bastard who said "Why are you downloading software when you don't even know what it is or what it does?"

Read my entire damn question.
Don't start thinking for one instance that you know everything, I unwilling download and installed a virus.

I clicked on an ad. It downloaded a VERY small file onto my computer and then deleted its original file.

Now, try and tell me that these are not the properties of a virus?

Best answer:

Answer by brisray
It's not a virus so your anti-virus program isn't going to find anything. Plus500 is foreign exchange (FOREX) trading software for a brokerage company. The company is registered under the name Plus500UK Ltd with registration #07024970. The FSA (Financial Services Authority - ) registration number for the firm is ID #509909. Here's their website -

And it didn't just install itself, you had to give permission to install it.

You should be able to uninstall it using the standard Windows uninstall.

Why are you downloading software when you don't even know what it is or what it does?


You may have downloaded a virus but not from that link you gave. I've just downloaded that software to one of our company's sacrificial testing computers and you're talking crap if you say that's a virus or lying about where you got it from.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Posted By Unknown01:07

In downloading computer software via web is a download software needed?

In downloading computer software via web is a download software needed?

Question by jeffie: In downloading computer software via web is a download software needed?
I downloaded a computer software and can not find where it went. I did a search to no avail. Tell me what to do now?

Best answer:

Answer by forex
chk at my documents , my recieved files or downloads folder

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Posted By Unknown00:12

Tuesday 9 April 2013

What type of software is used to create shoes (basketball)?

What type of software is used to create shoes (basketball)?

Question by Da Kid: What type of software is used to create shoes (basketball)?
I've heard of CAD/CAM. Is this the leading program? Where can I get the right program and how much will it cost? Or is there any way to get it cheaper/free?

Best answer:

Answer by vbfdi4ybvbre v
Look at the website......

Add your own answer in the comments!

Question by Da Kid: What type of software is used to create shoes (basketball)?
I’ve heard of CAD/CAM. Is this the leading program? Where can I get the right program and how much will it cost? Or is there any way to get it cheaper/free?
Best answer:
Answer by vbfdi4ybvbre vLook at the...

Question by Da Kid: What type of software is used to create shoes (basketball)?
I've heard of CAD/CAM. Is this the leading program? Where can I get the right program and how much will it cost? Or is there any way to get it cheaper/free?

Best answer:
Answer by vbfdi4ybvbre vLook at the...

Categories : Forex

Tags: basketball, create, shoes, software, type, used

Posted By Unknown23:05

Chart won't print?

Chart won't print?

Question by cf_fills: Chart won't print?
Have Dell D600. Trying to print a chart of commodities. The outer borders print out and the dates on the bottom. When showing print preview, the chart shows up. But when you print it, it's not there. This is off Great Pacific Trading Company's site. Same thing happens on the Forex site. help...

Best answer:

Answer by D Professor
Some of these images are made transparent when they print to prevent the opposing companies from collecting data that could be trade sensitive. The settings on the originating web page are the ones to control this options.

What do you think? Answer below!

Posted By Unknown22:05

Internet money making?

Internet money making?

Question by Jad D: Internet money making?
Wanna make internet money w/out using lots of time
If it's a site creating plz gimme some idea
And my friend told me about games like poker ... tht u plays with real money and get the money u win in real life .... plz help tell me more abt sites and games

Best answer:

Answer by
Well you can go to and.... well you know :)

Give your answer to this question below!

Posted By Unknown21:05

Whats the deal with making money at home doing online stuff for google etc?

Whats the deal with making money at home doing online stuff for google etc?

Question by csss s: Whats the deal with making money at home doing online stuff for google etc?
Im desperate to be ablr to make money working online


Best answer:

Answer by dearpant
Why not dear, but you have invest few money, in domain name, web space and do lots of online work. Purchase a domain name and register yourself on they will give you money on per click and please don't click it because google is too smart and it will understand this clicks are manipulated and they will block it forever and never pay you any Paine

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Posted By Unknown20:06

What do you think about this website idea?

What do you think about this website idea?

Question by Asmodeus: What do you think about this website idea?
I was thinking about some website-payment system, where you earn monthly interest to the money you put in your account.
Pretty much like Paypal, but when you put some money in your account, at the end of the month +5% are added to your money. Just like a bank account, you can even call it an "online bank account".
Not only that, but using this method is possible your online payments to be completely free of fees(NOT as paypal where every payment grabs you significant percent of the money you send...).
You probably wonder, how the monthly interest rate of 5% is added, if this is not some piramid??? The answer could be: like the banks do it...the money you put in your account is traded by the best US funds, pro stock/forex dealers. The best dealers make about 15%-20% profit per month, far enough to give you your 5% and leave the rest for thir own and the company profits.

So, would you use such a system? A free online payment system with monthly interest?


Best answer:

Answer by Totaram M
It is a best idea
but execution must be in experience hand

What do you think? Answer below!

Posted By Unknown19:06

Are there any FOREX demo accounts that are Macbook OSX compatible?

Are there any FOREX demo accounts that are Macbook OSX compatible?

Question by anon: Are there any FOREX demo accounts that are Macbook OSX compatible?

Best answer:

Answer by Kaspars S
Try ForexYard demo account!

Give your answer to this question below!

Posted By Unknown18:06

IFTA:,, are trusty worthy sites, are they really paying sites?

IFTA:,, are trusty worthy sites, are they really paying sites?

Question by r.anuradha r:,, are trusty worthy sites, are they really paying sites?,, are trusty worthy sites, are they really paying sites?
i have reached minimum payout for 2 above mentioned sites. can you tell me which sites are really paying for reading emails and tell me more about really paying paid surveys.

Best answer:

Answer by Eric
I am not sure about the answer to your question, however, I would strongly recommend that you be very weary about signing up for any websites that will "just give you money" for taking a survey, etc.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Posted By Unknown17:21

is there a site that anyone uses to access a proxy server?

is there a site that anyone uses to access a proxy server?

Question by nemesis1180: is there a site that anyone uses to access a proxy server?
Im looking for a fast proxy server or a site that i can use to access the internet anonymously ??

Best answer:

Answer by Cody M

What do you think? Answer below!

Question by nemesis1180: is there a site that anyone uses to access a proxy server?
Im looking for a fast proxy server or a site that i can use to access the internet anonymously ??
Best answer:
Answer by Cody
What do you think? Answer below!

Question by nemesis1180: is there a site that anyone uses to access a proxy server?
Im looking for a fast proxy server or a site that i can use to access the internet anonymously ??

Best answer:
Answer by Cody

What do you think? Answer below!

Categories : Forex

Tags: access, anyone, proxy, server, site, there, uses

Posted By Unknown16:04

How to get started through adsense?expereinced people only?

How to get started through adsense?expereinced people only?

Question by D.A: How to get started through adsense?expereinced people only?
ok i have made an account with adsense a month ago,maybe more than a month,since than i started spending hours & hours on internet in order to understand it,i got disapointed many times & left adsense
i made a blog,a website....though it was a hard task,i got ads to display but
- the ads are irrelevent completely to the content of my site,why would anybody click them
- the ads are only appearing in my blog (,coz there's a direct option for adsense) while in my website no ad appearing & the code is displayed in that way when i publish it
- since then i've added adsense,(more than a month) my earnings are $ :0.00,im disappointed & i think im waisting my time
the only thing which urge me to be there is that there are certain people,who've started & within a week they've started earning,maybe less or very less like 20$ per week,but atleast they've started
but my earnings are ZERO since the 1st day,i feel like gosh i've wasted alot of time,even if i've earned a few bucks,it is enough to convince me that yeah this system works
anybody expereinced pls guide me,is anyone outthere new to adsense & have started making money within a week or so????
secondly my blog have just a few (maybe 10) hits a day
& yeah what is the meaning adding channels to your list,when you goto asense setup tab,manage ads,it asks in step 2....what does it mean?
if anyone expereinced outthere could helpme,i would be really gratefull
thanks in advance

Best answer:

Answer by TrueTrader
It does work, But it takes time, the work you put will be worth it.

A few tips for Success

Start using google keyword search tool and find a topic that you can rank for that has high search volume. This is a great way, to estimate traffic, then take it to your adwords account (ie; forex trading) and put it in a campaign for keywords to see what the Bid is for a first page ad. This will let you estimate how worth while the key words are. Thats how you determine price of content, and make more per click.

Now as for where and what size ads are the best for your site you need to read Google Hot Sheet, it will teach you all about where they say the best ads work. It is free, this helps big time,

Another tip, just to help, is read Google SEO Starter guide, this free from google too and can show you how to rank. This will help you making more money.

All of these are from google and are free.

These Three tips can make or break your Adsense Earnings.

What do you think? Answer below!

Posted By Unknown15:04

Is this a decent Lenovo laptop?

Is this a decent Lenovo laptop?

Question by Yuvraj Singh: Is this a decent Lenovo laptop?
Hey, everyone. Hope you're doing good. I'm deciding which laptop to buy for college (entering my second semester next Jan) and I've heard Lenovo is a good idea.

IdeaPad Y570 Laptop - 08622VU - Dusk Black (with 750GB + 64GB Solid State Drive and USB 3.0): Weekly Deal
Processor:2nd generation Intel® Core™ i7-2670QM Processor ( 2.2GHz 1333MHz 6MB )
Operating system:Genuine Windows 7 Home Premium 64
Graphics:NVIDIA GeForce GT 555M 1GB
Total memory8:8 GB PC3-8500 DDR3 SDRAM 1333MHz
Display:15.6" HD Glare with integrated camera 1366x768
Camera:Integrated 2.0MP Camera
Pointing device:Industry Standard Touchpad
Hard Drive:814GB
Optical Drive:Blu-ray /DVD Combo
Battery:6 Cell Lithium-Ion
Network Card:Intel 1000 BGN Wireless
Bluetooth:Bluetooth Version 2.1 + EDR
Finger Print Reader:None

Those are the copy and pasted specs for the IdeaPad Y570. I'm not really that much of a technology whiz, so I was wonder if someone could help me decipher that a little bit. I'm mostly going to be using it for Netflix, YouTube, browsing, light gaming, essays and I will probably do some trading on it (stocks, ForEx, etc.).

On a sidenote, my mom is trying to talk me into buying a Mac. Would a MacBook Pro work better than the Lenovo?

Thanks in advance.
Oh, I will be a Statistics/Quant Modeling major.

Best answer:

Answer by Phoenix
the lenovo laptop is great (i have a slightly different model but it is a lenovo).
dont get a mac, they are often overpriced and apple will just come up with a macbook pro super or something like that soon and it will outmodel the macbook pro.

Give your answer to this question below!

Posted By Unknown14:11

IFTA: I want to create a successful website and turn it into a company, could I just pay someone to do it for me?

IFTA: I want to create a successful website and turn it into a company, could I just pay someone to do it for me?

Question by William M: I want to create a successful website and turn it into a company, could I just pay someone to do it for me?
I am nearly 18 years old and I only have a few thousand pounds on me. I have just finished a college course in IT which has made me more aquainted with computers. I am doing a business and finance course this year. However. I have a few good ideas for websites that could be successful businesses, but lack the technical know-how to make them myself. I am practicing trading forex (foreign exchange), to make money. Am I better to invest into forex and make as much money as neccessary to get my web projects done by a professional who actually knows what their doing as I learn business studies at college? Please advise. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by Efra
Well i can make you a vbulletin forum,but you need a paid host

What do you think? Answer below!

Question by William M: I want to create a successful website and turn it into a company, could I just pay someone to do it for me?
I am nearly 18 years old and I only have a few thousand pounds on me. I have just finished a college course in IT which has made me more aquainted with computers. I...

Question by William M: I want to create a successful website and turn it into a company, could I just pay someone to do it for me?
I am nearly 18 years old and I only have a few thousand pounds on me. I have just finished a college course in IT which has made me more aquainted with computers....

Categories : Forex

Tags: company, could, create, IFTA, into, just, someone, successful, turn, want, website

Posted By Unknown13:04

IFTA: Marketiva Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

IFTA: Marketiva Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Question by theblackcrusader: Marketiva Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
can anyone tell me how it works and how to use it? please explain it in detail. the first person to post a good answer, i will choose as my best answer. thank you

Best answer:

Answer by Andrew S

About Marketiva

Marketiva is a financial services corporation specialized in providing traders with high quality online spot forex trading services. With a team of dedicated financial specialists and technical support personnel, Marketiva operates globally as a market maker and principal counterparty to retail clients trading in the foreign exchange market. Marketiva has established itself as an industry leader by relying on its groundbreaking internet trading platform and its superior customer service.

Marketiva's mission is to harness the power of the internet and provide forex traders with exceptionally effective trading tools and outstanding customer support. Forex traders using Marketiva enjoy the most advanced online retail foreign exchange trading front-end in the world, the Streamster™ software, renowned for its ease of use, flexibility and reliability.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Posted By Unknown12:04

Does Etoro Really Work?

Does Etoro Really Work?

Question by Kin: Does Etoro Really Work?
Does it really train you? If you have used it I would like to know what you have to say about etoro.

Best answer:

Answer by Uday Teja
Why forex has proven to be so popular? There are quite a few reasons, as to why Forex trading has gotten so wildly popular over the years. It all comes down to one very simple answer, and we all know what that is: People can egest a fortune from Forex trading. Ok now! You're probably wondering why aren't more people joining if it is so profitable? Well, it is not necessarily easy to succeed at forex trading. This is why Etoro is such a helpful platform. It can make it a lot easier to succeed at the realm of forex.

One of the best things about eToro is that, it has made forex trading more simple and user friendly to its users. Choosing a good broker will make things easy for you. Besides, you don't want to waist more time figuring out how to set up a simple trade, than analyzing the market or making decisions, on what you should be trading next. Using a ground breaking interface, the eToro platform puts all the forex tools your heart desires right at your fingertips. At eToro, traders actually enjoy trading, and get quick help, whenever in need of assistance. At etoro, you will not only find some great forex trading tools, but you also get live forex news, forex financial calendars, but best of all you can trade using your demo account with live forex rates, until you feel comfortable to trade with live money, in order to test out trading arenas. Most of the other brokers let you trade using a demo account for a certain amount of time, usually 30 days max . EToro also combines forex trading with a web 2.0 community centered approach. EToro have created a thriving forex community around public and private chats and forums, that enables you to discuss forex with peers from around the globe, and you can even monitor the most popular pairs traded by eToro’s top 100 ranked traders, and utilize their experience to your advantage !

EToro is a forex broker system that has been particularly designed to facilitate those that would be new at the process of trading. Indeed, the system was built to assure beginners the ease of performing successfully. Despite not possessing a strong education in currency trading, one can walk away a winner. Of course it is no easy work predicting the forex market movements, nonetheless eToro can make the whole process a lot less stressful. That allows people to develop their skills at trading from a helpful platform that allows them to become experienced. Consequently, more successful trades will be generated down the road. This completely reverses the odds of not making successful trades. How easier can eToro make it for its user? This was made possible with the use of a very novel training system. It looks as if the whole process of trading turned into a game. It is almost a guarrantee you will have a fruitful and enjoyable experience.

Most of all, this system is very interesting. A lot of times, many get exhausted from learning the ins and outs of forex trading and give up. When you undertake something boring or perhaps difficult, it becomes hard to stick to it. This is true even when the rewards might be quite valuable. The eToro trading system will provide the excitment needed to keep going.

Is it fair to say that only beginners can take advantage of such a platform? Actually, this system can also be shifted into an expert mode for those that might have a strong background in the forex realm. It is only fair that those with a long history in forex trading can also come along and acquire more skills. With much training, those that start as novices will eventually move up to the next level. Surely, anyone at any level can explore the features and benefits of the system.

Even if you are only looking into forex trading, eToro is definitily one of the platforms to research. If you are concerned about generating revenues, there shouldn't be any doubt present with this system.

What do you think? Answer below!

Posted By Unknown11:06

hi does anyone know about the mscs-rrr forex foreign currency trading e-book?

hi does anyone know about the mscs-rrr forex foreign currency trading e-book?

Question by victor c: hi does anyone know about the mscs-rrr forex foreign currency trading e-book?
hi does anyone know about the mscs-rrr forex foreign currency trading e-book program that's all over the internet ? can anyone tell me if it's a scam or not and can anyone also tell me ways that i can find out on the internet if it's for real or not ? thanking you in advance.

Best answer:

Answer by David
Your best option is contacting your local bank which will offer you the best rates

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Posted By Unknown11:06

How to modify the wordpress theme?

How to modify the wordpress theme?

Question by Shu: How to modify the wordpress theme?
How to modify the wordpress theme,Website: ,What am I gonna do

Best answer:

Answer by Plasido
remove that and use just a plugin.
WordPress Pricing Table plugin will help you to generate pricing table in a easitest and dynamic way

What do you think? Answer below!

Posted By Unknown10:06

facebook advertising of group?

facebook advertising of group?

Question by johnny: facebook advertising of group?
i have set up a group on foreign exchange trading and was just contacting other forex group members asking if they were interested and be friends and exchange strategies and i get a warning for spamming is there any way i get get round this and what are their limites i dont wana get disabled, have facebook got a general email where i can ask ta

Best answer:

Answer by oni-kun ^^
It isn't spam but most spam looks like that.

Place above your group that "This is a real group intended for the purpose of discussing marketting and Forex stratagies." and provide a link to your e-mail address.

Then no one will mark it as spam.

What do you think? Answer below!

Posted By Unknown09:04

how do I trade forex?

how do I trade forex?

Question by george_tchet: how do I trade forex?

Best answer:

Answer by JRavey
Try or

Add your own answer in the comments!

Posted By Unknown08:06

Is there any chance that someone in Africa where 100$ per month is a big pay will miss something to do online?

Is there any chance that someone in Africa where 100$ per month is a big pay will miss something to do online?

Question by John J: Is there any chance that someone in Africa where 100$ per month is a big pay will miss something to do online?
I see the minimum pay in USA is 5$ an hour. In Africa someone will work for you 8hours per day for a whole month just for 100$ . I see this jobs Indians are doing as virtual assistants where Americans only have to pay 30$ per month. Many people are also trading forex online and earning.
So I am wondering why people are always discouraging me despite the online potential. Is it that people fear they will be replaced by Africans who will work more for less? People on this site are always discouraging me but I understand most are USA&EU afraid of being replaced. Is that not true?

Best answer:

Answer by tm678
I think the net is the best place to earn money if you come from a country where the pay is low. I have a few Indians who do jobs for me and I think we both get good deals. They earn a lot relatively to other incomes they earn. They write articles, do data entry jobs etc.

You can of course do forex trading too.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Posted By Unknown07:05

Has anyone here ever tried the forex enterprize system?

Has anyone here ever tried the forex enterprize system?

Question by lex_germany: Has anyone here ever tried the forex enterprize system?
I just wanna know if this site really works. its a online work from home business that you have to pay for and then you can download the information to start your own online business.

Best answer:

Answer by bijak_sinner
Using the Mtpredictor's technical analysis Elliot Wave Principle software, Bsmtprediction provides Forex Traders with FREE access to AUD/USD, EUR/GBP, GBP/USD, EUR/USD, NZD/USD, USD/CAD, USD/CHF, EUR/JPY, GBP/JPY & USD/JPY daily currency forecasts through this website. At Any Time / Any Day (we'll straight away post the signals here in real-time if there's any triggered) 1 hour, 4 hours & daily time frame forecasts are published on this site. The predictions are good from the moment they are published until either it reached the take profit target, hitted the stop loss or another new prediction of the same currency & timeframe unveils on the same / following day. Essentially, the prices shown are for an unknown period.. That's why we encourage you to subscribe our FREE Google Groups newsletter to get the latest signal updates sent to your e-mail from the very 1st minute it surfaces the net..

Add your own answer in the comments!

Posted By Unknown06:04

IFTA: laptop that can run 24/5?

IFTA: laptop that can run 24/5?

Question by spitez: laptop that can run 24/5?
I am looking into a cheap & super low power consumption laptop that i could keep it running for 24/5 without any adverse effects. I am intending to use it for forex and stock trading only, allows me to be able to run any broker software like metatrader, etc.

If you have a cheap desktop in mind that consume lower or equal power consumption as laptop, feel free to recommend it to me.

Best answer:

Answer by Greg
I wouldn't recommend leaving a computer on 24/5. It can damage the PSU overtime and diminish the maximum power outage = system instability.

What do you think? Answer below!

by Tradingrichmom
Question by spitez: laptop that can run 24/5?
I am looking into a cheap & super low power consumption laptop that i could keep it running for 24/5 without any adverse effects. I am intending to use it for forex and stock trading only, allows me to be able to run any...
by Tradingrichmom
Question by spitez: laptop that can run 24/5?
I am looking into a cheap & super low power consumption laptop that i could keep it running for 24/5 without any adverse effects. I am intending to use it for forex and stock trading only, allows me to be able to run any broker...

Categories : Forex

Tags: 24/5, IFTA, laptop

Posted By Unknown05:04

what is the program used in indian stock market which looks like black screen and real time stock prices?

what is the program used in indian stock market which looks like black screen and real time stock prices?

Question by somesh: what is the program used in indian stock market which looks like black screen and real time stock prices?
i want to know and download the program which i often see in indian TV shows where the stock prices are refreshed each second and live market can be watched in that. please let me know about it.

Best answer:

Answer by Priya
There are certain widgets available in the sites which make this kind of auto-refreshing of stocks possible. You can also watch live stock charts at for nifty50, world indices, forex charts.

Give your answer to this question below!

by Tradingrichmom
Question by somesh: what is the program used in indian stock market which looks like black screen and real time stock prices?
i want to know and download the program which i often see in indian TV shows where the stock prices are refreshed each second and live market can be...
by Tradingrichmom
Question by somesh: what is the program used in indian stock market which looks like black screen and real time stock prices?
i want to know and download the program which i often see in indian TV shows where the stock prices are refreshed each second and live market can be...

Categories : Forex

Tags: Black, indian, like, LOOKS, market, prices, program, real, Screen, stock, time, used

Posted By Unknown04:08

Excel formula help...?

Excel formula help...?

Question by boytorespect: Excel formula help...?
I would like to know if this is even possible and how i can do it. I trade forex for a living and want to create a spreadsheet to do certain calculations... Lets say i have 4 columns right, A1, B1, C1 and D1. In A1, i will type in either buy or sell. In B1 i will put in the opening price, lets say 1 for example. C1 will contain closing price, lets say 2 for example. And D1 will show the difference in open and close price. This is easy and i know how to do it but how do i do it so that it shows a positive or negative number depending on the text in A1. For example, If a1 is buy, b1 is 1, c1 is 2 then d1 will show -1 but in actual fact it was a profit so it should show 1... i dont know if you guys will understand me lol

Best answer:

Answer by Greg G
If column B always contains your buy price, and C will always have the close (price you would get if you sold..) this will work for you:

=IF(A1="buy", C1-B1, B1-C1)

If A1 is blank, then it performs b1-c1. If you prefer the result cell to be blank if A1 is also blank:

=IF(A1="buy", C1-B1, IF(A1="sell", B1-C1,""))

Give your answer to this question below!

Posted By Unknown03:07

whats second best thing that earns better like "FOREX ADS" on google adsense?

whats second best thing that earns better like "FOREX ADS" on google adsense?

Question by shrikant: whats second best thing that earns better like "FOREX ADS" on google adsense?
i need to know which ads pay have max payout value other than forex ads on google adsense?

if you are providing a helpful link, thank you.
if you paste a link thats not meant to help me but to advertise your site
beware, i am bad for your site, belive me!

please help

Best answer:

Answer by jerry b
It's a fools game to chase these, but the commonly cited highest paying phrases are:
personal injury lawyer
car insurance
life insurance

Give your answer to this question below!

by goosmurf
Question by shrikant: whats second best thing that earns better like “FOREX ADS” on google adsense?
i need to know which ads pay have max payout value other than forex ads on google adsense?
if you are providing a helpful link, thank you.
if you paste a link thats not...
by goosmurf
Question by shrikant: whats second best thing that earns better like "FOREX ADS" on google adsense?
i need to know which ads pay have max payout value other than forex ads on google adsense?

if you are providing a helpful link, thank you.
if you paste a link thats not meant to...

Categories : Forex

Tags: Adsense, best, better, earns, forex, Google, like, second, thing, What’s

Posted By Unknown02:14

how can i create a forex echange in my website ,stock selling and currency ,like to get commision basis?

how can i create a forex echange in my website ,stock selling and currency ,like to get commision basis?

Question by simon_sez28: how can i create a forex echange in my website ,stock selling and currency ,like to get commision basis?
how can i create a forex echange in my website ,stock selling and currency ,like to get commision basis

Best answer:

Answer by MysteryMan
if u get enough traffic u might be able to sell advertising to a trading company. However you cant get commisions on sales because you are not a licensed stock broker.

What do you think? Answer below!

Question by simon_sez28: how can i create a forex echange in my website ,stock selling and currency ,like to get commision basis?
how can i create a forex echange in my website ,stock selling and currency ,like to get commision basis
Best answer:
Answer by MysteryManif u get enough traffic u...

Question by simon_sez28: how can i create a forex echange in my website ,stock selling and currency ,like to get commision basis?
how can i create a forex echange in my website ,stock selling and currency ,like to get commision basis

Best answer:
Answer by MysteryManif u get enough...

Categories : Forex

Tags: basis, Commision, create, currency, echange, forex, like, selling, stock, website

Posted By Unknown01:04

Is online forex trading real?

Is online forex trading real?

Question by duke: Is online forex trading real?
On line forex trading , how profitable is it? How does it work?

Best answer:

Answer by ray_8128
If you invest in Forex, I guarantee you will lose most or all of your money.

About Forex (Foreign exchange market)


Forex fraud/scams

Add your own answer in the comments!

Posted By Unknown00:04

Monday 8 April 2013

IFTA: Has anyone had this type of online business experience?

IFTA: Has anyone had this type of online business experience?

Question by Deborah S: Has anyone had this type of online business experience?
Hi there,
Has anyone had experience with an online business such as Ecommerce or forex trading or selling products over the internet? If so, i do not want to hear from online companies, just individuals that have been involved in these type of businesses. which online companies do you recommend. Also what is the average start-up cost? Looking for for people with the scruples only.
Thank you very much,

Best answer:

Answer by jackel_sinister
Ih have almost 1 years experience in HYIP. most of them are scam. better stay away.. Dont trust the statistics either.. Read from forums like Right now is the hottest one around is currently paying. I got paid but dont know till when they are going to stay that way.. try at your own risk..

Add your own answer in the comments!

Posted By Unknown23:04

IFTA: Free Trusted Forex Robot Service?

IFTA: Free Trusted Forex Robot Service?

Question by Maruf: Free Trusted Forex Robot Service?
I’m new in Forex trading. I’ve some question:
1. Where I found free robot service download link and lifetime free?
2. How can I use Forex robot two or more live account at a time one PC?
3. Can I setup commission for our referral in robot?

Please help me.

Best answer:

Answer by Mia
I don't think there is such a thing as a free forex trading robot for a lifetime.
Your asking for premium stuff, which is usually paid, you can't make money out of nothing right?
I think you already tried seaching for a free one and found only paid alternatives, I suggest you search for the most popular and good paid robot and get that. Any free alternatives will suck anyways.

Give your answer to this question below!

Posted By Unknown22:04

Trading software for someone who is new to trading?

Trading software for someone who is new to trading?

Question by Parker: Trading software for someone who is new to trading?
I would like to start trading stocks and I was just wondering which software would be easy to use and understand. I'd like one which does not have a complicated UI(User interface) and does not take weeks or months to fully understand.

Best answer:

Add your own answer in the comments!

Posted By Unknown21:06

What is the best way to optimize my tags for my site?

What is the best way to optimize my tags for my site?

Question by jgaignun: What is the best way to optimize my tags for my site?
I'm building a site or two and one of them is a blogging site. I wanted to put in tags for my blogs because I was told that's one way that search engines can find my site (SEO value). So, the question is what kind of tags should I use (ie: what my blog is about or what's in the headlines), in order to get SEO value and to show user interest?

Also, is there a site that I can go to in order to see which tags are the most searched or most popularly used tags? Also, what about synonyms to a tag (ie: if I talk about currency exchange, should I do forex and curency trading also or shoould I just stick to currency exchange?). Also, what should I do for the headlines or titles in order to get SEO value if my assumption that tags are not the way to go to get SEO value is correct?

Thanks, I'm completely lost here and I definitely appreciate it!

Best answer:

Answer by Daniel Düsentrieb

on this page you get
the solution for your problem!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Posted By Unknown20:04

can you use windows paint program on other programs (forex charts)?

can you use windows paint program on other programs (forex charts)?

Question by shortkd1: can you use windows paint program on other programs (forex charts)?

Best answer:

Answer by Paul
Sure. Do a Shift-PrintScreen to copy the current screen to your clipboard. Then, open your paint program and paste. Trim the graphic to the part you want and save it as a file. If you are interested in learning forex, my friend has done forex trading for many years now and has created a system he gives away for free for those who want to try it for themselves. You can get a free copy by visiting the site in my source.

Give your answer to this question below!

Posted By Unknown19:06

What keywords and topics are best to make money with google adsense?

What keywords and topics are best to make money with google adsense?

Question by WebMan: What keywords and topics are best to make money with google adsense?
Not only keywords but a few topics that generate more income than others. If you can let me know of websites and tools to find and rate keywords and statistics..

Best answer:

Answer by Infopediaonlinehere

Add your own answer in the comments!

Posted By Unknown18:08

IFTA: How do I save a video to my files?

IFTA: How do I save a video to my files?

Question by Twixypickle228: How do I save a video to my files?
I want to save a video from YouTube and put it in my files. I know how to embed it, but I don't know what to do after. I have Windows 7 and it doesn't give me an option to save the YouTube video. Plz help.

Best answer:

Answer by Cody
aTube catcher! i used this all the time, can get videos from 50+ sites. Its free, and safe

Give your answer to this question below!

Posted By Unknown17:04

IFTA: want to split one website on two monitors?

IFTA: want to split one website on two monitors?

Question by greenberret1960: want to split one website on two monitors?
i trade the forex market and trade twelve charts and i have two monitors and would like to move 6 of the charts to my secondary monitor so as not to have such a clutter on my primary monitor any help would be greatly appreciated

Best answer:

Answer by Cupcake
Use a dual head video card, almost all new cards today support2 screens, if you are really into trading, we have clients running quadro cards that runs 4 screens, they just sit back in their leather chairs and stare at them all day.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Posted By Unknown16:13

IFTA: What scripting language works with the web and browsers?

IFTA: What scripting language works with the web and browsers?

Question by johnny's mombo: What scripting language works with the web and browsers?
Is there a scripting language that locates and fills in web-browser boxes, clicks on links, etc?

Is there a scripting language that connects directly with theh web and helps you find information without using a browser - through a DOS interface for example?

I am trying to automate stock & news search for my daily research.


Best answer:

Answer by Edward Palonek
I think you would be looking at a combination of two languages.
Ie JavaScript or DHTML to help you with web-browser boxes, clicks on links and so on. However this will not work in DOS.

For DOS and Webpage try PHP. you can run PHP scripts in DOS, Windows, WebPages and so.

Edward Palonek @

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Posted By Unknown15:04

Earn money online : how I can protect my adsense account?

Earn money online : how I can protect my adsense account?

Question by : Earn money online : how I can protect my adsense account?
I have created a site that contains SEO, Works at home tips, Marketplace Study, Forex Trading, Data Entry, Outsourcing, Google Adsense, Email Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Computer Troubleshooting & Download. I have got adsense also. Before that my adsense account has been disabled for 2 times. I am so much tensed when my account again will be banned? Can u suggest me how I can protect my adsense account? Please visit the site and suggest me Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by Kukana
I'm afraid you can't. When your Adsense account is disabled, you are banned for life. As soon as Google figure out you are the same person, they will disable it again.

Give your answer to this question below!

Posted By Unknown14:06

Best forex trading system software?

Best forex trading system software?

Question by Christian: Best forex trading system software?
What is the best trading software for forex trading.

Best answer:

Answer by john g
best Forex Trading software which is widely used is MT4 because it allow the Forex Traders great ability to analyze the Markets effectively using wide range of technical tools

What do you think? Answer below!

Posted By Unknown13:09

IFTA: Which forex broker has reliable server latency ?

IFTA: Which forex broker has reliable server latency ?

Question by Paper Clip: Which forex broker has reliable server latency ?
I am looking for a reliable latency VPS for hosting metatrader 4
Any suggestion
Much appreciated

Best answer:

Answer by Owen
AVAFX broker offers the best manual and automated trading system. It is a regulated, reliable and trusted broker. It also offers mobile trading system that most of the traders demand these days.

What do you think? Answer below!

by Tradingrichmom
Question by Paper Clip: Which forex broker has reliable server latency ?
I am looking for a reliable latency VPS for hosting metatrader 4
Any suggestion
Much appreciated
Best answer:
Answer by OwenAVAFX broker offers the best manual and automated trading system. It is a...
by Tradingrichmom
Question by Paper Clip: Which forex broker has reliable server latency ?
I am looking for a reliable latency VPS for hosting metatrader 4
Any suggestion
Much appreciated

Best answer:
Answer by OwenAVAFX broker offers the best manual and automated trading system. It is a...

Categories : Forex

Tags: broker, forex, IFTA, latency, reliable, server

Posted By Unknown12:08

IFTA: what ads on google adesns pay you most (except forex)?

IFTA: what ads on google adesns pay you most (except forex)?

Question by shrikant: what ads on google adesns pay you most (except forex)?
i am just intrested in knowing what ads are most profitable except forex?

please let me know ASAP.

thank you in advance...

Best answer:

Answer by Wasim
that is really good Que.............under the URL u wil find a high paying key words and also find how to use it....this is really usefulll...trry u wil earn up to 1000 per month..

also tell ur friends....becuse many ppl need this

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Posted By Unknown11:08

Does anyone know where to find Stochastic EA for purchase download (for MT 4 forex trading)?

Does anyone know where to find Stochastic EA for purchase download (for MT 4 forex trading)?

Question by Paper Clip: Does anyone know where to find Stochastic EA for purchase download (for MT 4 forex trading)?
I am looking for Stochastic expert advisor, please provide the source.
Much appreciated !!!!!

Best answer:

Answer by Owen
You can download Stochastic EA from here:

What do you think? Answer below!

Question by Paper Clip: Does anyone know where to find Stochastic EA for purchase download (for MT 4 forex trading)?
I am looking for Stochastic expert advisor, please provide the source.
Much appreciated !!!!!
Best answer:
Answer by OwenYou can download Stochastic EA from here:...

Question by Paper Clip: Does anyone know where to find Stochastic EA for purchase download (for MT 4 forex trading)?
I am looking for Stochastic expert advisor, please provide the source.
Much appreciated !!!!!

Best answer:
Answer by OwenYou can download Stochastic EA from here:...

Categories : Forex

Tags: anyone, download, find, forex, know, purchase, Stochastic, trading

Posted By Unknown10:07

IFTA: Why is Bforex confirmed a scam but still appears in my yahoo email's advertisement?

IFTA: Why is Bforex confirmed a scam but still appears in my yahoo email's advertisement?

Question by chong: Why is Bforex confirmed a scam but still appears in my yahoo email's advertisement?
On 24 April 2012 I login my yahoo email, and saw Bforex advertisement on the right side, shouting out loud "Open a Forex trading account and get a free iPhone/iPad*".

I clicked into Bforex, looking at their website as well as their Terms & Condition. The layout, buttons, terms & conditions are not as professionally designed as other forex website. Therefore I search on google about Bforex. FPA confirmed that Bforex is a scam.

But why is the advertisement still displaying on my yahoo email?

Best answer:

Answer by Bforex
Bforex is a well-established group, providing the services of its online platform throughout the world for some years now. Bforex operates under high financial standards, to the benefit of its large number of satisfied clients.
FPA is a private blog with its own conflicting financial agenda. Bforex trusts that investors base their opinion on actual experience, rather than on misleading false rumors.
We invite you to contact Bforex Customer Service team with any inquiry you may have regarding the quality of our services, at:

Bforex Customers Service

Add your own answer in the comments!

by Tradingrichmom
Question by chong: Why is Bforex confirmed a scam but still appears in my yahoo email’s advertisement?
On 24 April 2012 I login my yahoo email, and saw Bforex advertisement on the right side, shouting out loud “Open a Forex trading account and get a free...
by Tradingrichmom
Question by chong: Why is Bforex confirmed a scam but still appears in my yahoo email's advertisement?
On 24 April 2012 I login my yahoo email, and saw Bforex advertisement on the right side, shouting out loud "Open a Forex trading account and get a free iPhone/iPad*".


Categories : Forex

Tags: Advertisement, appears, Bforex, confirmed, email's, IFTA, scam, still, yahoo

Posted By Unknown09:09

IFTA: Make Money Online Question : When Google Adsense Pay Highest Money Rate For Same Advertisement?

IFTA: Make Money Online Question : When Google Adsense Pay Highest Money Rate For Same Advertisement?

Question by g_sudesh: Make Money Online Question : When Google Adsense Pay Highest Money Rate For Same Advertisement?
I have few websites and make money online with google adsense. I have seen adsense pay different "pay rates" per click for same advertisement. As example most of time there are "Forex Trading" ads display on it. Some time it pay $ 0.80 per click. Sometime pay $ 0.05 for the same Forex Trading ad. Can someone tell me why it happening like this? What should i do to take highest pay rate for same ad.

Best answer:

Answer by Karel B
It depends on lots of things. One advertiser can put several ads online, that look the same, but have different bids behind them. He can then schedule the lower paying ones in the hours of day when he has the least interesting visitors, and schedule the higher paying ads when his target audience is most probably online. Also, he can target his ads at different websites, using different payouts per target.
Another thing is, adsense uses a factor per adsense-publisher (meaning: you) with which it deducts your income. Meaning: if you have a lower traffic website, but have the same ads on it as a high-traffic website, the higher traffic website can earn more per click. But, not only the traffic is taken into account, also the number of leads following from those clicks that transfer into sales, and a number of other factors.

What do you think? Answer below!

Question by g_sudesh: Make Money Online Question : When Google Adsense Pay Highest Money Rate For Same Advertisement?
I have few websites and make money online with google adsense. I have seen adsense pay different “pay rates” per click for same advertisement. As example most of time...

Question by g_sudesh: Make Money Online Question : When Google Adsense Pay Highest Money Rate For Same Advertisement?
I have few websites and make money online with google adsense. I have seen adsense pay different "pay rates" per click for same advertisement. As example most of time there...

Categories : Forex

Tags: Adsense, Advertisement, Google, Highest, IFTA, money, online, question, Rate, same

Posted By Unknown08:08

Help with Excel (advanced)?

Filled under:

Help with Excel (advanced)?

Question by jdpicou1: Help with Excel (advanced)?
I am building a spreadsheet to backtest Forex trading strategies.

I want to be able to find the difference between the circled values. Ideally to put the value in cell L93.

The only hard part is that there is not always 3 rows between each number to be used. Sometimes there may only be 1 row, or there may be 10 rows.
Is there a way for excel to fetch values between two of the same number? Like between 0's?
I am asking b/c I need to do this hundreds or maybe thousands of times. I can find the difference between the sums of each of the two columns easily, but I want to be able to do this also.


Best answer:

Answer by Gary E
It can be done with a macro, of course.

But if
1. There is a column to spare somewhere outside of the normal viewing and print areas.
2. The difference you want to display in Column L is to be in every row where there is a positive value in Column K
3 The difference amount is to be the last previous positive value from Column J minus the value in Column K of the display row.
You can do it with just two formulas (copied to the full columns).

I have selected Column Z for the intermediate column and Row 85 to enter the formulas.

In Cell Z85 enter

In Cell L85 enter

Copy each of theses formulas in their respective column for the full range of the data and you will see differences where they belong.

You may need to adjust the formula at the beginning of the data or anywhere there is a break in the data, but you don't show any of those so I can't tell you what would be required. Hopefully you can figure it out. Or you can add to your question to request further assistance.

What do you think? Answer below!

Posted By Unknown07:11

cant uninstall norton 360 from control panel of my widows vista laptop?

Filled under:

cant uninstall norton 360 from control panel of my widows vista laptop?

Question by Elizabeth: cant uninstall norton 360 from control panel of my widows vista laptop?
am trying to do forex trading and has downloaded the metatrader platform but it says no connection at the bottom right hand corner of it. Have tried every thing without success. I did try to install norton antivirus using a cd BEFORE but it was outdated I tried to uninstall it but it is still sitting on security in CONTROL PANEL AND i CANT UNINSTALL IT PLEEEEEEASE HELP! i THINK IT IS KICKING OUT ANY PROGRAMMES IM RUNNING

Best answer:

Answer by dale s
press start goto programs press norton there you will find the uninstall program. You must use norton uninstall to uninstall norton.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Posted By Unknown06:19

How to get unlimited money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…?

Filled under:

How to get unlimited money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…?

Question by : How to get unlimited money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…?
There is this game called fantage, and i am wondering how to get unlimited money there using CHEAT ENGINE. there is a tutorial on youtube and it says it doesn't work anymore, but i see people still use it somehow.. does anyone know how to do it!!?? help i really want to know how!!!

btw the problem with it is, not that my money doesn't appear, but when im doing the SECOND SCAN nothing appears!

Best answer:

Answer by Ethan
this does not belong in youtube section

Add your own answer in the comments!

Posted By Unknown05:06

IFTA: Where can I get a good Multi-Monitor Computer, for Day Trading?

Filled under:

IFTA: Where can I get a good Multi-Monitor Computer, for Day Trading?

Question by BC: Where can I get a good Multi-Monitor Computer, for Day Trading?
Where can I get a good Multi-Monitor Computer, for Day Trading? I've seen a lot of people on Wall Street using these multiscreen computers. I bought a Forex Trading Program, and they are using a multi-screen pc, in the infomercial, but they don't say where to get one. Any leads are welcome!

Best answer:

Answer by Echo is the best place. I've been using WizeTrade Stock Trading software, and the SUPER PC (Brand) I got from them, has four monitors, and hasn't frozen up on me once, since I bought it a year ago. It seems like you almost have to have a multi-screen computer to keep up, in todays trading markets. Welcome to the club!

Give your answer to this question below!

by renaissancechambara
Question by BC: Where can I get a good Multi-Monitor Computer, for Day Trading?
Where can I get a good Multi-Monitor Computer, for Day Trading? I’ve seen a lot of people on Wall Street using these multiscreen computers. I bought a Forex Trading Program, and they are...
by renaissancechambara
Question by BC: Where can I get a good Multi-Monitor Computer, for Day Trading?
Where can I get a good Multi-Monitor Computer, for Day Trading? I've seen a lot of people on Wall Street using these multiscreen computers. I bought a Forex Trading Program, and they are...

Categories : Forex

Tags: computer, good, IFTA, MultiMonitor, trading

Posted By Unknown04:04

Can you give me advice on buying a power backup system for my computer?

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Can you give me advice on buying a power backup system for my computer?

Question by Luvnmt: Can you give me advice on buying a power backup system for my computer?
I have a Dell 17" Laptop and a DSL Modem I want to backup in case of power failure and to protect from power surges and brown outs. Keeping the power supply uninterrupted is VERY important to me as I do online Forex trading. I am considering a CyberPower CP1350PFCLCD UPS 1350VA 810W PFC Compatible Pure Sine Wave I believe it may be an overkill for what I need right now but I am considering buying a desktop in the near future. Anyone have any better ideas?

Best answer:

Answer by Aaron Brown
Yeah for your forex trading you'll wanna get a VPS server rather than using your laptop. It costs only about 40-50 dollars a month depending on what hardware options you select, and you'll basically get a entire hosted computer running windows that you can access from anywhere in the world. I use for mine (I used their "build your own VPS" option which allows for more customization, and I'm running 4 copies of metatrader on it. I can access it with my home computer through remote desktop which is so fast that you can only slightly tell that it's not my own desktop I'm looking at. Also, I can access it from anywhere in the world with my iphone using a VNC server I set up on it. Anyway so yeah get a VPS if you need a stable computer, don't use your own home PC for something that serious.

EDIT: I just realized, maybe you don't use automated strategies. I use automated strategies, so getting a hosted PC that won't crash while I am away is what I needed. But if you actually sit there and trade the forex, and you wanted a battery backup so you're screen will stay on (etc), then sorry I really am clueless about that.

Hey and since you're into forex like me, you might be interested in checking out the same place where I get most of the strategies that I use, which is here: . They have like 8000 strategies there, and some of them are really excellent. In fact, my own strategy is on there too. :-)

What do you think? Answer below!

Posted By Unknown03:04

Can u make money through Online Magazine?

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Can u make money through Online Magazine?

Question by Ookay94: Can u make money through Online Magazine?
How can u make money with a online magazine.
And what the best way to start

Thanks in advance

Best answer:

Answer by Evan
Step one is ignoring most if not all of the above; they're just trying to sell you something or to join via their referral link.

Step one is go out and get a real job and SAVE that money, all that you can. Save until you have $ 500-$ 1000+ and invest that in Forex trading using a trading system. Continue working while making profits via the trading system; take, half your profits from Forex trading for the month and spend/keep them then invest the other half back into trading. Rinse and repeat that step until you're making steady profit, then quit your job. You've heard of Internet millionaires? There's how it happens.

What do you think? Answer below!

Posted By Unknown02:04

Trace route timed out on 1st hop?

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Trace route timed out on 1st hop?

Question by ajani60: Trace route timed out on 1st hop?
when I perfom trace route to any location, the No. 1 hop use to time out, as a result I could not use my forex trading software.
Could the problem be within my computer and the router?
I use HNS7000S modem router as my VSAT connection.
Please I will be glad to resolve this issue soonest.
Thanks Guys

Best answer:

Answer by Jon M
Are you actually getting an internet connection, assuming of course your not positing that message from the computer in question?

Not certain about this but could be your router not being configured to reply to ping.

What do you think? Answer below!

by Tradingrichmom
Question by ajani60: Trace route timed out on 1st hop?
when I perfom trace route to any location, the No. 1 hop use to time out, as a result I could not use my forex trading software.
Could the problem be within my computer and the router?
I use HNS7000S modem router as my...
by Tradingrichmom
Question by ajani60: Trace route timed out on 1st hop?
when I perfom trace route to any location, the No. 1 hop use to time out, as a result I could not use my forex trading software.
Could the problem be within my computer and the router?
I use HNS7000S modem router as my...

Categories : Forex

Tags: route, timed, Trace

Posted By Unknown01:13

is iForex a scam site?

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is iForex a scam site?

Question by aghil: is iForex a scam site?
I plan to start trading in forex using the website
By doing a lot of google search i came across the scam thing.
So i wanna know whether iForex is a scam site or a authentic one. If some one have experience on forex trading please contact me personally, i have some doubts too. My ID is
Thank You very much.

Best answer:

Answer by G
I have never used the site, but Mcafee site adviser does have a couple of complaints

What do you think? Answer below!

Posted By Unknown00:04

Sunday 7 April 2013

Can someone critic my site:

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Can someone critic my site:

Question by Investmentguru: Can someone critic my site:
Can someone critique my website?I just launched a forex trading website that covers the basics about forex trading. I not a professional web designer –in fact I used some free templates to design the site. Can someone critique my site and let me know what I may need to do to improve the site. Please help.

Best answer:

Answer by E
It's a bit bare, but clean. The information is easily accessible.

Here are some things I ran into:

- The link to the homepage on your 404 error page is broken. It points to ''

- There seems to be quite a bit of unused whitespace in the source code. That really serves no purpose other than to increase the size of the file that needs to be downloaded by someone viewing the site. Perhaps you could clean that up a bit to scrape some kilobytes off.

- There seems to be some issues with the CSS style on The menu on the left overlaps the page footer (blue bar) which looks a bit messy.

The site won't win any beauty contests, but as I stated earlier, the relevant information is easily readable and properly accessible. And that's really what this site is about.

I tested with Firefox 3/3.5 btw

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Posted By Unknown23:04

How can i save an mt4 forex indicator created in notepad for it to function well in the metatrader platform.?

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How can i save an mt4 forex indicator created in notepad for it to function well in the metatrader platform.?

Question by Lexy: How can i save an mt4 forex indicator created in notepad for it to function well in the metatrader platform.?

I have the codes already prepared in a notepad. I need to know how to know if i can save it there and there for it to work as mq4 mt4.

Best answer:

Answer by James K
I wouldn't know because I use an EA called "Forex Autopilot". If you want an indicator script, then I suggest you use this one as it's made me a pretty penny for the 3 months I've been using it.

You can see a full review made up of real customer comments here:

Hope this helps?

What do you think? Answer below!

Question by Lexy: How can i save an mt4 forex indicator created in notepad for it to function well in the metatrader platform.?
I have the codes already prepared in a notepad. I need to know how to know if i can save it there and there for it to work as mq4 mt4.
Best answer:
Answer by James KI...

Question by Lexy: How can i save an mt4 forex indicator created in notepad for it to function well in the metatrader platform.?

I have the codes already prepared in a notepad. I need to know how to know if i can save it there and there for it to work as mq4 mt4.

Best answer:
Answer by...

Categories : Forex

Tags: created, forex, function, indicator, Metatrader, notepad, Platform, save, well

Posted By Unknown22:08

IFTA: Do you know an open source electronic trading platform similar to MetaTrader?

Filled under:

IFTA: Do you know an open source electronic trading platform similar to MetaTrader?

Question by ketchapay: Do you know an open source electronic trading platform similar to MetaTrader?
I'm looking for an open source alternative to MetaTrader ( that can run on the Linux platform.

Best answer:

Answer by tj
It appears that the API is open source.

I'm not familiar with the program and can't seem to find an alternative with just a quick search.

Have you tried running it in WINE?

You may also want to check this forum discussion:

One of the posts there mentions crossover, which is basically the commercial version of WINE that includes proprietary code. But it appears that you should be able to run this with just the open source WINE.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Posted By Unknown21:04

... Any software to create your own forex expert advisor, robot or automated trading system?

Filled under:

... Any software to create your own forex expert advisor, robot or automated trading system?

Question by Pher M: ... Any software to create your own forex expert advisor, robot or automated trading system?
... Any software like the above-mentioned allowing you to do that in a very SIMPLE and EASY manner?

Best answer:

Answer by areelitaha joahlanski
there are many kinds of softwares in the finanancial if you want to create a own software of yours in creating guess you have made the correct choise by keeping best company by your side never the less forex so their software will be very helpful to you and its is expert advisor and a robot automated trading system so that is a clue that iam gonna give right now so its you to find out i shall give you the source you have to find it

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Posted By Unknown20:14

I'm starting a new financial/forex related forum. Please suggest me names?

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I'm starting a new financial/forex related forum. Please suggest me names?

Question by John Gilbert: I'm starting a new financial/forex related forum. Please suggest me names?
I'm thinking of start a new forum (vBulletin board) about financial, money, forex, investment related topics. Please suggest me names?

Best answer:

Answer by ♚вσѕтσи gємιиι™ єѕкιмσ кιѕѕєѕ


Add your own answer in the comments!

Posted By Unknown19:14

If I created a program that can do algorithms...?

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If I created a program that can do algorithms...?

Question by bboyballer112: If I created a program that can do algorithms...?
For FOREX would it be legal? I am just wondering I love FOREX trading but it takes up so much time. It is a risk but I am willing to take it. it is just for trading on margin nothing to elaborate. Do they have catpcha on FOREX?
FOREX is a money changing program currency exchange

Best answer:

Answer by Magicwannabe™

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Posted By Unknown18:07

when i open mozilla forex-it comes google toolbar-1 which does go away -it stick on same postion?

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when i open mozilla forex-it comes google toolbar-1 which does go away -it stick on same postion?

Question by tasolover: when i open mozilla forex-it comes google toolbar-1 which does go away -it stick on same postion?
1i have down load it wrongly-how to remove it-because i can not do any search on mozilla forex

Best answer:

Answer by I know the Answer
Is that english you are typing? . I can say one thing

Unistall and install the browser again.

Give your answer to this question below!

Question by tasolover: when i open mozilla forex-it comes google toolbar-1 which does go away -it stick on same postion?
1i have down load it wrongly-how to remove it-because i can not do any search on mozilla forex
Best answer:
Answer by I know the AnswerIs that english you are typing? . I can...

Question by tasolover: when i open mozilla forex-it comes google toolbar-1 which does go away -it stick on same postion?
1i have down load it wrongly-how to remove it-because i can not do any search on mozilla forex

Best answer:
Answer by I know the AnswerIs that english you are typing?...

Categories : Forex

Tags: away, comes, forexit, Google, Mozilla, open., postion, same, stick, toolbar1

Posted By Unknown17:06

How can I trade Binary Options with 90%-100% assurance of winning?

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How can I trade Binary Options with 90%-100% assurance of winning?

Question by : How can I trade Binary Options with 90%-100% assurance of winning?
There are some forex company that will predict the movement of currencies such as USD/JPY, EUR/USD, EUR/AUD at the moment and withing the next few hours, please if anybody knows one provide it as it gives 90%-100% assurance of you betting and winning your bet on Binary Option. Please don't post answers that woun't help.

Best answer:

Answer by Ratchetr
Not gonna happen.

Binary options are close to being a zero sum game. For each winner in the trade, there is also a loser.

I say 'close to zero sum', because there is a 3'rd party as well to this game: the broker. The broker will almost always make money here, meaning (s)he is skimming. The only way the broker can lose is if they become the market maker. But brokers are generally smart enough to avoid losing money that way.

Suppose there was such a magic system that let you win 90% of the time. It is impossible to keep such winning strategies secret for long. So before long, most traders will want to be on the win 90% of the time trade. And what happens then? The demand for the winning side of the trade goes way up. The supply of the losing side of the trade evaporates. The price of the winning side of the trade skyrockets. The cost of the losing side plummets. (Supply/Demand 101). At some point, it makes sense to buy the losing side of the trade, because you will win 10% of the time, and the premium price may make it profitable.

You should study the formula in the link below until you understand it. The only 90-100% assurance of profit you will find is to become the broker.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Posted By Unknown16:05

Does ebay support forex trading inorder of selling products? read below for details?

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Does ebay support forex trading inorder of selling products? read below for details?

Question by Heni Y: Does ebay support forex trading inorder of selling products? read below for details?
If I've something to sell on ebay and decided to do it this way would ebay allow me?
Let's consider my domestic currency is US Dollar. Can I do to and sell my items there with GB Pound? And can ebay deposit my earnings to my PayPal account in US Dollars, sothat I can profit from the currency discerpancies? THANK YOU!

Best answer:

Answer by Gold Aegis
PayPal makes the profit from currency discerpancies, and discrepancies too, and takes a chunk out of your pocket for the privilege.;jsessionid=KpKTW6pL2HVWdGnymMJspv6nxRS2n7JdpPl2ntPzTV2JLJDkMFTv!-726335105?t=solutionTab&ft=homeTab&ps=&solutionId=11529&locale=en_US&_dyncharset=UTF-8&countrycode=US&cmd=_help&serverInstance=9006
"For full details about the fees for receiving different currencies, please log in to your account and click Fees at the bottom of the page.";jsessionid=KpKTW6pL2HVWdGnymMJspv6nxRS2n7JdpPl2ntPzTV2JLJDkMFTv!-726335105?locale=en_US&_dyncharset=UTF-8&countrycode=US&cmd=_help&serverInstance=9006&t=solutionTab&ft=browseTab&ps=solutionPanels&solutionTopic=800041&solutionId=10190&isSrch=Yes

BTW Never, never, never log on to PayPal from a link on a discussion board or from an email. Not even if someone emails you that your mother, wife or daughter needs money (or is being held hostage, for that matter). Log on PayPal from your Favorites, Bookmarks or just type in in a different window or tab of your web browser.

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Posted By Unknown14:07

Is there something to do on the internet besides wasting time?

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Is there something to do on the internet besides wasting time?

Question by lifeminx22: Is there something to do on the internet besides wasting time?
I need productive stuff! I already know about games, girls, pron, video, quizzes - is there anything else?!?!?

Best answer:

Answer by tej90210
I constantly keep reading about new hardwares and how they interact with other components. That's my life on internet.

It's all about finding out what appeals you the most.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Posted By Unknown13:05

Do online forex charts stream in weekends?

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Do online forex charts stream in weekends?

Question by Uzman: Do online forex charts stream in weekends?
iam using metatrader 4 but it not streaming and today is saturday. i need to know does forex charts stream in weekends or is it my computers mistake

Best answer:

Answer by Charlie Kelly
Aren't the markets closed on the weekend?
Probably not much trading going on if that's the case.

What do you think? Answer below!

Question by Uzman: Do online forex charts stream in weekends?
iam using metatrader 4 but it not streaming and today is saturday. i need to know does forex charts stream in weekends or is it my computers mistake
Best answer:
Answer by Charlie KellyAren’t the markets closed on the...

Question by Uzman: Do online forex charts stream in weekends?
iam using metatrader 4 but it not streaming and today is saturday. i need to know does forex charts stream in weekends or is it my computers mistake

Best answer:
Answer by Charlie KellyAren't the markets closed on the...

Categories : Forex

Tags: charts, forex, online, stream, weekends

Posted By Unknown12:04

How can I stop the timming out on Opera Web Browser?

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How can I stop the timming out on Opera Web Browser?

by cemre

Question by Donovon: How can I stop the timming out on Opera Web Browser?
Hello, I'm using Opera, my session keeps getting timed out every few minutes on
They said the problem is with my web browser. They gave me instructions for IE to keep the time out alive, but I like Opera much better. Can anyone help me please?

Best answer:

Answer by Maria Khan
check it here

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Posted By Unknown11:06