Friday 5 April 2013

Anyone intrested in being a partner in my Forex predictions venture?

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Anyone intrested in being a partner in my Forex predictions venture?

Question by Mr Riz: Anyone intrested in being a partner in my Forex predictions venture?
Hi there I am looking for a web designer to become a partner in my forex predictions venture.

I am a trader with over 10 years of experience I have learned how to predict the market. I give predictions in eur/usd, gbp/usd and usd,jpy.

You have to be able to make a website and have some history of websites.

Best answer:

Answer by FXHelpline_EvanF
Hi Riz,

We're always open to new partners at FX Helpline and we would welcome a trader of your experience to join our team if you've really been trading for 10 years. You've almost got the entire post-DM era covered ;)

Our main web site is at if you would like to check out our design style. We also have a few other Forex trading sites in development for the new year, and we've got a designer with SEO/marketing experience working on a few sites with very different designs and layouts too.

So if you're looking to open a Forex alerts/signals service, we can help you get that setup and marketed.

There's a contact form on the FXHelpline site itself or you can contact me via Yahoo to discuss further.


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